The Most Difficult Break-Up of All-Time

Meg Delagrange
4 min readJan 11, 2020

Dear Codependency,

I never asked you to be there for me. You just showed up and became a part of me.

I thought you wanted to be there for me. And it felt good. You were my therapy. You were the missing piece that I was searching for.

I believed the lie that I couldn’t live without you. After all, you completed me.

Something was wrong, though. I started losing the edges of myself. Everything started getting muddy. I couldn’t see anymore. I started feeling suffocated but I thought I was supposed to ride it out, stick with it. How could something that felt “right” be wrong?

You did such a good job of appearing beautiful and real.

I believed you were perfect and I desperately wanted your approval. You never asked me to prove myself to you to gain your approval, but I betrayed myself to try to earn it. I thought I wasn’t good without you. If you approved of me, that meant that I was worthy of belonging.

I was addicted to you. I was willing to do anything just to get the next fix.

I lied to myself. I lied to you. I’m sorry.

You were always right. I was always wrong. I simply wasn’t as good as you. Maybe you thought it was “love” to fix me and save me while I just felt controlled…



Meg Delagrange

Born Amish. Over 22 moves between New York and Tokyo. I design things. I play with canvases in my studio. Occasionally I write.